I wish there would be more exciting news but here we are, still stuck, ten days since our little mountain escapade. After two days making the emergency repairs in the suburbs of San Pedro, we were able to leave and reach the coast, but the mechanical shape of the truck was not reinsuring, and I decided we had to bring the truck to a professional mechanic.

On the coast, we spent two days at George’s place, a friend from Brooklyn who lives with his wife Clara in Masca, on the Caribbean coast. George is deeply involved in the community down there, and also represents the Global Block Foundation in Central and South America.

We were able to relax a bit, went to the beach and in the rainforest, but were restless because of the state of our vehicle, and anxious to have a definitive word about what had to be done.
The coast is very interesting with its banana-export ports, but also Garifuna villages. The black ethnic Garifunas are believed to live in central america long before the arrival of Europeans. At some point, Hispanic ships carrying enslaved West Africans added to the local population.
On Monday, we decided to backtrack to San Pedro Sula, and visit the Toyota dealership. When we arrived there, we were informed they would not look at any U.S. vehicles, for political reason. Surprised by this – but of course, we are used to surprises by now – we found the address of another shop where an ex-Toyota staffer is a mechanic.
When we got there, they told us we had nothing to worry about, and that the car will be ready in two-days. That was ten days ago.
We left the car, packed bags, and took the bus to go to stay at Antonio, a friend of my New York buddy Sergio from the New York Times.
Antonio lives in Las Minas, one hour east of San Pedro, close to El Progreso.
From there, every day our problems became more complicated. Chases for parts, delays, and of course an inflating bill were making every day a disappointment. As of today Saturday, we still have not much ideawhen we will finally get our ride back. We are still tracking down a transmission part, which is supposed to be the last, but who knows. In addition, the repair budget already took a serious hit.

Thanks to Antonio, Thelma his wife and their friend, we still had chances to enjoy our stay. We went out with Antonio’s friend, and I was able to try meat specialties as well as many Honduras beers. We also got cigars and coffee, and took advantage of the countryside around the house.
But now it seems that we may have to let our plans to be in Costa Rica by Christmas on the drawing board. Especially if the part we are supposed to get on Monday doesn’t fit the truck, which may happen with our recent luck. But if it does, we should be in the capital by Wednesday, pass the Nicaragua border Thursday, and be very close to Costa Rica by Friday.
And who cares if we are still in this fine country for Christmas, as long as we can be back on the road, have a good meal and maybe smoke one of these Honduras cigars…
Who knows, maybe I should just live in Honduras for the rest of my life, since we already enjoy fame in San Pedro, where we were featured in the local newspaper.
Political reasons????? We buy all their bananas, and they can’t fix one of our cars. That’s wrong!!!
So cool to see ya in the newspaper
I hope the snub by the Toyota dealership has convinced your car to mend its imperialistic ways.
I’m assuming the Toyota left NYC with a clean bill of health. How did things go downhill so fast?
Hoping you get back on the road quickly…but safely!
Keeping our fingers crossed for ya! All the best and Merry Christmas! =)
Seems like a nice place to be “stuck”! Wish I was stuck there!
I hope you die in Honduras.
Being stuck in Honduras doesn’t sound all that bad. Right now I’m stuck in my office wishing I had that beach view in Masca!! It’s currently pouring the rain here in Seattle…weird, I know. There are definitely worse places to be stuck
Sending lots of luck your way that the car gets fixed soon, though!!!
What the Hell Travel Boy or going no where boy. Get that junk a going ,i want see you get this around the world trip done by 2015! You should have taken a Chevy. Damn Jap cars , sorry for being so bold about the Japnese and French. Guess i shouldn’t be a ass about it. But i want you to do great and get some TV time for this trip. Just like them two guys that rode motorbikes around the world. Well i hope you get going, i enjoy reading about your travels. Myself i’m still having jail trouble and women trouble (big women) not like your sweet friend. Good luck and get a going . Joe from Bama
HEY FLOSSIE! What is your problem, you shouldn’t wish anyone dead. Nick is doing a great thing. Where you from Flossass come to south alabama and see what we got for you Flossbutthead. Nick keep up the good work . Joe from Bama
I’m bewildered by your determination Nick! Daaamm boy…you got cojones bro!!! Aren’t you glad Nadia is there? Not only eye candy but a hands on partner. Hope you get on the road real soon, but do me favor, opt for the paved roads, Toyotas are good but not indestructible. Truck on good buddy.
hey nick didn’t know you got haters on your butt, but guess we all have them one way or another….. any how hope you get on the road before the christmas hopefully everything goes well and you back in new york before we know….. peace man let know what you will do……………..
I’m enjoying (sounds like a lot of other people are also) hearing about your trip. It wouldn’t be an around the world expedition/adventure if you didn’t have some mishaps along the way.
However, having said that, it’s one thing having these problems in the America’s and quite another breaking down like this in the middle of nowhere. In a possibly dangerous country where your alone and don’t speak the language. I did a little research for you and found a contact in Honduras for a Central America 4×4 club person. You should contact them and get your vehicle properly sorted (you shouldn’t be having these types of serious problems so early on) for the undertaking that you are embarking on. I’m sure I speak for everyone, in wanting you to have a succesful, safe and safely exciting, journey.
Good Luck
Club Name: merendon
Type of Club: jeep, land cruisers, land roverd
Location: san pedro sula, HONDURAS
Meetings are held:MeetingsHeld: 8 de enero 2007
Contact: Elmer Pineda
Phone: 0115049382086
Contact: Lenin Pineda
Phone: 0115046690767
Club URL: merendon
Submitted by: Jusn Hernandez juan_zavala1@hotmail.com – 30Jun00
Hey Nick, just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the details given on the vehicle. I’m looking at doing a similar trip myself and it’s important not to gloss over the realities of your journey. Some people may not want to hear about it but just wanted to let you know that plenty of people are intensely interested on vehicle aspect of your journey. Safe travels mate and good luck!
“The Year of Living Dangerously” ! Hey readers… What part of the name of this blog are you having problems digesting? Is it the “Dangerously” part? Nick said in the beginning of his blog that he’d have problems. Why delay the inevitable? He may be getting the big issues out of the way early… or… these may seem small compared to what’s up ahead. After all.. isn’t that the reason we’re all tuned into his site? Nick… I for one recognize that most people are impatient and expect you to complete your ONE YEAR adventure in 30 min. Go at your own pace and ignore the borish folks with nothing to do but pounding their keyboard or smackin that crackberry! I’m looking, listening and praying for you daily. Full speed ahead mate!
Hi Nick, finally got a chance to get back on Twitter and catch up on your trip. So sorry about your vehicle. You look upset in your pictures, smile. Nadia looks like she is enjoying the trip. Enjoy your time in Honduras. I will be saying a prayer you get your car fixed fast and don’t give up your trip. I hope you have a MERRY Christmas wherever you are and I will be toasting you and Nadia on New Year’s Eve!!
Kampai!! Summer
Happy Holidays Nadia and Nick. Felis Navidad.
Merry Christmas, Nick, to you and Nadia. Here’s wishing that the New Year finds you both back on the road, exploring new lands.
President of the planet- experiencing global cultural diversity and a connection with them all- a solid positive link- shouldn’t Toyota just sponser you and get you a new rig? It would be positive publicity and people would see this amazing vehicle killing it globally, not broke down. Toyota- sponsor this dude! Or better yet Land Rover needs to step in and sponsor you- Land rover would get u around the world- this is what they are about- hook this dude up LR!
salut le sincou
et bien bon courage et joyeux noel aux deux explorateurs
NICK, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and Nadia. I hope that you are safe wherever you are. Could you let us know how you are doing when you get a chance?
This just in: Nick and Nadia have been eatin by cannibals!
Thanks for the pics! Glad you enjoyed Masca, I enjoy it every time I go!
I see you’ve met the resident welcome committee, George and Clara are great people.
Be safe!
I think you should have got a jeep rubicon with a small trailer. Man, I would love to take a adventure around the world. I live in a small town called Joliet,IL about 30 miles south of Chicago. Stay safe.