So last Thursday, when we left the ruins, we took the direction of San Pedro Sula. Our next stop was supposed to be Masca, on the Caribbean coast, where I know some people from Global Block, a foundation with ties in Brooklyn, NY.
Cofradia, where the main road intersect with the dirt road going up
The map of I bought just before leaving New York shows that there was a connection between Cofradia and the coast, going through the mountains. Around 2 p.m., we left the main road to try the mountain road. The first step on the road was Tomala, a village half way between the main road and the coast. As we entered the mountain, it became clear that the dirt road was not going to be as easy as previously thought. Huge changes in altitude, narrow path, animals on the road and river crossing were at every curve.
Nadia go check hw deep the river is before driving through
In addition, as we were advancing and questioning people, we got a lot of conflicting answers about the road condition and time estimates to reach Tomala and the coast.
Getting closer to Tomala
After two hours, we already knew we would have to stop at Tomala for the night, as the light was dimming. And when we finally arrived there, it appeared that the road stopped there as well. Locals quickly confirmed this. There was no road, our map was wrong. The following day, we would have to backtrack to San Pedro, and use the main road to go along the coast. That was bad news, but after all, we were hay to see this tiny village. When we arrived, there was some kind of town meeting, and participants decided to give us the keys of the church where we could have access to water.
Tomala, 5 a.m.
The day after, we were up by 4:30 in the morning, determined to make it to the coast. Then, after few hours going down, as I was driving, something went wrong with the steering, causing us to crash on the side of the road. The good side, fortunately.
Broken steering gear
We quickly assessed the damage, and realized that the steering gear was broken, the radiator and differential were leaking and the welding on the exhaust pipe cracked.
As I was keeping our belongings, Nadia got a ride to San Pedro, and came back with a mechanic who took the steering gear out of the truck. Then they went back to the city to try to get the part in junkyards. Two hours later, they came back with the US$450 part. It was expensive, but we had no choice. No tow truck will come get us there, in the mountain, and we could not let the truck here, with all the equipment inside. We had to make it to San Pedro before dark.
After changing the part we went down the mountain in the most nerve wracking way.
Going down the mountain
The mechanic and Nadia in the truck, myself and the son of the mechanic sitting on the tail of the truck, running for water in every river, filling the leaking radiator every minute, the worst noises coming from the distorted steering elements now touching the transmission. In addition, as we got to San Pedro, the traffic got terrible, and thinking about the engine overheating made me drive crazy.
The mechanic and his family gave us shelter while the car got surgery
But we finally made it to the house of our mechanic, in the poor suburbs of the city. By then, it was dark already, and we accepted the offer to stay at their place for the night. Once again, and like in every country, we benefited from the help and welcoming attitude from the local population.
The following day, I woke up at 5, and work continued on many parts of the truck. Trying to get the radiator fixed, unbending parts and myriads of other little things were done by 2 p.m.
In the heat of San Pedro
At this point, the truck could run, but not in the best conditions. It was now Saturday afternoon, and we decided to make it to Masca, on the coast. Few hours later we were there, but by then, we realized we would have to go see a more legit mechanic, and probably a Toyota dealership would be the best.
Waiting for Nadia to come back with the parts
18 Replies to “Night on the damned mountain”
I love the picture of nadia going to test the river depth, with the Land Cruiser in the foreground. Is all the extra weight that the Crusier is carrying causing all the mechanical problems? If so perhaps try and lighten the load, even with little things like removing the running boards and the now useless rear window wiper. Also, what part cost us $450? damn! Hang in there man, this is making a kick ass adventure.
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you
run into a wall, don’t turn around and
give up. Figure out how to climb it,
go through it, or work around it.”
– Michael Jordan
You must know Michael 🙂
Wow, what an adventure. I really hope you guys can get the truck in good shape. Toyota should give you guys a new car for the rest of the journey and sponsor your trip!
That’s a bummer for sure, knowing that noise from the truck could make matters worse. What a soilder Nadia was to go look for help, she must know spanish. My prayers are still with you my friends.
Glad you guys are safe. Hope the car problems aren’t as bad in the future. Let us know if there’s anything we can help you out with.
Keep at it. The journey is the destination and all. Happy holidays guys!
Wow…. Glad to hear you guy’s made it back to the city safely. I hope this is the last of your big mechanical problems. Just think about it, a year from now you’re going to look back on this moment and despite the frustration at that present time it was all worth it and just part of the journey. Safe travels to you both :o)
Guess you did get raped on the parts! Gezz!! Think that is taking advantage of forgeiners. Obviously Nadia knows spanish! I bet she knows numerous languages! Here’s hoping you enjoy the Carribean. So very glad that people have been good to you guys. I did notice in one of the pictures the guy was packing.
Nashville, TN
It may even be a good thing that these problems are coming out before the African leg of the expedition. You’ll need the experience from these to handle any that might surface in the African Continent…..I’m from West Africa and I feel a little uneasy when it crosses my mind that your expedition route includes that part of the world.
Yeh, by now Toyota car company should step up and offer you a new vehicle to drive the rest of the way and sponser you with any repairs. Good advertising for them.
Toyota would never do that. Maybe only local Toyota dealerships with a hart in the right place. But higher up the scale, they just want to sell new cars and parts. The more you brake the happier they are. Ask me how I know… 🙂
I believe that you possess the courage and intelligence to make this trip your own successful spiritual journey. Necessity is the mother of all inventions!!
maybe you should try removing the thermostat (in case you haven’t) from the engine, that should help keep the temperature down. Remember that you are in the third world countries, so don’t just rely on the maps. Try to stay on the main roads, and ask for directions or information on the roads.
Good luck guys
Made any Christmas plans yet? And while you’re at it… How ’bout New Years Eve! Life goes on… don’t stop living and observing simple because you’re on the road. Let’s see some Shock & Awe!
I found your site when you were still planning and preparing for your trip and have really enjoyed following your progress so far. It really makes me want to buy the 99 Lexus G470 that my hairdresser is thinking about selling. She has only used it to take the kids to school and get groceries. Bummer about the broken steering part. It looks to me that it could be a broken pitman or ider arm. I checked with and their website lists them for about $100 new/oem. You were ripped my friend, but at least the guy came back and got you out of a bad situation. Perhaps we could mail parts you know you might need via general delivery at a local post office. Another good source is I have used them for yours to get premium parts to rebuild my old Chevy Blazer. Good luck my friend, we are all crossing our fingers for you as we want you to make it.
Go baby Go!!!
Moderator: Please use my correct email… listed above. [typing too fast]
We are enjoying your blog & watching your adventure unfold. Last night after reading your blog I kept thinking, “Where are you guys now and where are you sleeping?” You’ve put the bug in our thoughts of maybe trying something like this just not to your scale. Even just driving and seeing all 50 states, then maybe some of Europe. All the things you can learn about yourself and others. We are happy to read that people will still help out another human in need and show them kindness. If you are going to drive near Mpls, MN we would love to have you stop in for a shower, hot meal and a comfortable guest bedroom. Be safe and enjoy all the moments of your adventure. What a memory they will make!!
I love the picture of nadia going to test the river depth, with the Land Cruiser in the foreground. Is all the extra weight that the Crusier is carrying causing all the mechanical problems? If so perhaps try and lighten the load, even with little things like removing the running boards and the now useless rear window wiper. Also, what part cost us $450? damn! Hang in there man, this is making a kick ass adventure.
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you
run into a wall, don’t turn around and
give up. Figure out how to climb it,
go through it, or work around it.”
– Michael Jordan
You must know Michael 🙂
Wow, what an adventure. I really hope you guys can get the truck in good shape. Toyota should give you guys a new car for the rest of the journey and sponsor your trip!
That’s a bummer for sure, knowing that noise from the truck could make matters worse. What a soilder Nadia was to go look for help, she must know spanish. My prayers are still with you my friends.
Glad you guys are safe. Hope the car problems aren’t as bad in the future. Let us know if there’s anything we can help you out with.
Keep at it. The journey is the destination and all. Happy holidays guys!
Wow…. Glad to hear you guy’s made it back to the city safely. I hope this is the last of your big mechanical problems. Just think about it, a year from now you’re going to look back on this moment and despite the frustration at that present time it was all worth it and just part of the journey. Safe travels to you both :o)
Guess you did get raped on the parts! Gezz!! Think that is taking advantage of forgeiners. Obviously Nadia knows spanish! I bet she knows numerous languages! Here’s hoping you enjoy the Carribean. So very glad that people have been good to you guys. I did notice in one of the pictures the guy was packing.
Nashville, TN
It may even be a good thing that these problems are coming out before the African leg of the expedition. You’ll need the experience from these to handle any that might surface in the African Continent…..I’m from West Africa and I feel a little uneasy when it crosses my mind that your expedition route includes that part of the world.
Yeh, by now Toyota car company should step up and offer you a new vehicle to drive the rest of the way and sponser you with any repairs. Good advertising for them.
Toyota would never do that. Maybe only local Toyota dealerships with a hart in the right place. But higher up the scale, they just want to sell new cars and parts. The more you brake the happier they are. Ask me how I know… 🙂
I believe that you possess the courage and intelligence to make this trip your own successful spiritual journey. Necessity is the mother of all inventions!!
maybe you should try removing the thermostat (in case you haven’t) from the engine, that should help keep the temperature down. Remember that you are in the third world countries, so don’t just rely on the maps. Try to stay on the main roads, and ask for directions or information on the roads.
Good luck guys
Made any Christmas plans yet? And while you’re at it… How ’bout New Years Eve! Life goes on… don’t stop living and observing simple because you’re on the road. Let’s see some Shock & Awe!
I found your site when you were still planning and preparing for your trip and have really enjoyed following your progress so far. It really makes me want to buy the 99 Lexus G470 that my hairdresser is thinking about selling. She has only used it to take the kids to school and get groceries. Bummer about the broken steering part. It looks to me that it could be a broken pitman or ider arm. I checked with and their website lists them for about $100 new/oem. You were ripped my friend, but at least the guy came back and got you out of a bad situation. Perhaps we could mail parts you know you might need via general delivery at a local post office. Another good source is I have used them for yours to get premium parts to rebuild my old Chevy Blazer. Good luck my friend, we are all crossing our fingers for you as we want you to make it.
Go baby Go!!!
Moderator: Please use my correct email… listed above. [typing too fast]
We are enjoying your blog & watching your adventure unfold. Last night after reading your blog I kept thinking, “Where are you guys now and where are you sleeping?” You’ve put the bug in our thoughts of maybe trying something like this just not to your scale. Even just driving and seeing all 50 states, then maybe some of Europe. All the things you can learn about yourself and others. We are happy to read that people will still help out another human in need and show them kindness. If you are going to drive near Mpls, MN we would love to have you stop in for a shower, hot meal and a comfortable guest bedroom. Be safe and enjoy all the moments of your adventure. What a memory they will make!!