It is now time for me to leave Mumbai. After another week of work to be able to pick up my car at the port, I was finally able to do so at the last minute on Friday. Another thousand dollars is gone, but if this is the price of freedom, it’s worth it. Details for people interested in shipping their vehicle at the end of this port.
I had good time here, and I can’t thank Vikas enough for letting me stay at his place. It would have been very difficult to stay in a YMCA for three weeks…
I was thinking about leaving on Saturday, but the work I had to do on the truck took longer than expected. The connectors from the battery I bought were different from the one I used previously, so I had to adapt that, and the draining bolt from the oil pan was not usable anymore, forcing me with the help from locals to take the pan out and fix it.
But now I am ready to go, and will leave Sunday morning. Groceries are in the fridge, and nothing can stop me. The only annoying thing is my Indian visa will allow me only one month in the country, which will force me to put some miles behind. Coming next is Goa. Back on the road!
Information for travelers:
Trying to clear yourself your vehicle in India seems virtually impossible. Some people succeed but it can take you a long time if you are not familiar with the process. As in Iran, I would advise to use an agent. I had a good experience with Aubrey D’Souza (Contact info at the end of this post). In general, I would recommend to not send a vehicle from or to India. It is very expensive, and the service was poor). But as we know, there was no other choice in my case. Total costs of the shipping including Iran spending amounts to around $1,500.
TEL: 022 66333261/66333263
MOBILE: 9821240603
E-MAIL: jpintl [AT]
Safe travels, have fun.
GAME ON!!! Let’s gooooo!
Nick, I have been following your travels since Central America, but have not commented til now. I have to say that last tweet of yours was a huge relief for all of us following you. I did not know I could be so happy to receive a text about a truck being found in Mumbai! Thanks for continuing to be such an inspiration, and good luck on your return to the road.
I have been following your adventure for months now and I love all your updates….keeping you in my prayers.
This might be a bit off the cuff….but Jeff Shroeder from CBS’s Big Brother and Amazing Race is doing webisodes for a show called “Around the World for Free”, His next stop is Mumbai…you might be able to Facebook or twitter each other for some advice or even meet up!
I’m excited for you. As always, be safe.
FREEEEEDDDDDDOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! Glad u got your truck good luck on the last leg.
Nick: I’ve been following from your very first mile (km). Keep going and never give up. Your contacts and friends along the way have been very helpful. Will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you continue.
Yahoo, The truck is back in your hands! Enoy getting behind the wheel and driving again. Wishing & Praying for luck and safety during this next part of your journey.
I am very glad to hear that you finally found your truck. Have you given any thought to your route after India and Bangladesh?
In a previous post I suggested portage around Myanmar (Burma). With the extra cost of your most recent shipping fiasco… will you be forced to try the drive across Myanmar to Thailand? Is it possible to get a visa for Myanmar? If you are thinking about driving, I would check now for a visa if you have not already done so.
If you do try the land route, the coastal delta region east of Kolkata, West Bengal, India and the west half of Bangladesh is all but impassable. You would need to go inland to Dhaka Bangladesh, then north east to Imphal / Manipur India. Take lots of pictures because the mountain passes are a crazy ride. From their, more mountains south east to the Myanmar border crossing at Moreh. From their it’s all down hill, south, to Naypyidaw the capital, then on to Thailand. If you choose this route it’s going to be a tough one. Cheers mate and have a great time.
Charlie A.
You are in our thoughts and prayers, Nick! Good luck on the rest of your trip!
Jolane Bedford
Good to hear you have started out. As usual, stay safe and God Bless!
Hey Nick,
In the late 70’s used to vacation in Goa. This was way before it got developed . Miss Calangute and Anjuna beaches. Drink some fenny and eat some vindolo for me.
Look forward to details of your continuing adventures.
Safe journey my friend.
Hi Nick! 🙂
SO Happy for you! Excited to hear more of your journey! In regards to Charles post…are you going through Burma?? One of my favorite movies–Beyond Rangoon. Burma is beautiful. But didn’t know they were allowing visas. That would be exciting for sure.
Eaten any good indian food lately? This whole part of your journey makes me crave indian food–love it!
Be blessed and safe and enjoy the journey!
Beth 🙂
Hurray also S.! Take care man, I hope from now the best leg is coming, enjoy it
Hi Nick,
Enjoy !!! I have been to Baga Beach which was amazing. Also paloleim beach in south goa was interesting too as you can rent huts on the beach itself. Have fun !
I am going to be lovin your book! Your blogging is written with much charm and your pictures are top-notch~
I wish you were traveling to New York through North Dakota. I would mother/grandmother you by baking/cooking what ever you want and making certain no one disturbed your sleep.
Yo Nick! Congrats on getting you truck back! I keep hearing the Willie Nelson song “On the Road Again”! LOL
Good luck and safe travels!
You may have answered this but is your truck still just a truck? Have you planned what your gonna do with it when you get back to the City?
Glad you are on the road again – safe journey and can’t wait to see the post and pictures. Look forward to meeting you on a book signing tour – be sure to come to South Jersey!
Happy Days!!! On the road again!!! Be Safe!!
Rock On Nick!! It must be exhilirating to be back on the road and into the countryside once again. It’s a shame you’re confined by the visa, but I’m sure you’ll still find a few places to stop and enjoy for a couple days to take in the culture and surroundings. I look forward to reading your future entries.
-Adam, Washington DC
I’ve been following your expedition for quite a while and it’s really fascinating. I was wondering if you’ve ever considered driving throught Australia and New Zealand before coming back to the US? While you’re at it….
glad to read you finally got your truck back on land and you’re ready to proceed. the moral of this blog you just wrote is to know how to work on your automobile. 🙂 you’ve done an amazing job handling the adjustments on the truck. Good job!
while a month may sound like a long time, i remember your saying that you need to cross 4000 miles in India. enjoy the ride! may the roads be conducive to an easy drive and the weather allows you to see the wonderful scenery.
you are a blessed person. take care!
About time! Good luck and safe journeys the rest of the trip! I’m making preparations for my one month trip to Asia in 2 weeks. Trying to get camera accessories at the last minute isn’t very fun at all! Too bad our paths won’t cross.
Hope to see you on your way back to NYC in the states!
Hey Nick,
Whew – soooo glad you finally got your truck. Been checking your blog daily for updates. Looking forward to reading about your next leg of the trip. Your pics are wonderful. Envy you enjoying the wonderful Indian cuisine.
Here are a couple India ports to ship from, if this is your option. From the east coast, look into either Vishakhapatnam, India or Kolkata (Calcutta). Do the research with the locals or call your Mumbai contact, but to me it appears that Vishakhapatnam might be a better option because it is the second largest deep water port in India. Kolkata is a bit inland and do to the somewhat twisty river channel, may not be serviced by the larger shipping company.
Charlie A
The couple sleeping on the cardboard with their baby breaks my heart. I am learning so much through you. Thanks for your updates, Nick.
In the first picture of (The container available for pickup.) Looks like a reach stacker or top pick Machine. I drive those Top pick machine at the seaatle Port the can stack 6 high. That one in picture seams little compared to the Tayor Brand we Drive. ( best machine in the Industry). GLADE you are back on the road with your truck. Weird about the pan Bolt Havn’t seen that one play out but with cars anything happens and will. ( But I work and own 50-70’s Chevy’s and Ford’s.
Dear Nick:
Today I reflect a little on your adventure. Two things come to mind. One is the thought that we are quickly approaching the one year mark of your send off from New York, and the newspaper write up about you that my husband handed to me one Sunday morning prior to your departure. The other is a photo on your blog that caught my attention unlike all others. It was of you sitting in your land cruiser in the middle of flooded salt flats in Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. This photo made your trip around the world come alive for me. I look forward to other “ah Hah” moments with Trans World Expedition. Our prayers concerning your safety and the enjoyment of global discoveries continue on.
Good to know you are leaving Mumbai. You would have a great time driving south. Have a safe trip
Dear Nick,
Welcome to India. I am planning a small trip (Driving 3500 KM) in Malaysia fro Oct-17 to Oct-22.
If you your there during this time please send me an email or contact +971-556878232
I would really appreciate if we can meet together