Following the Appalachian Trail

Skyridge_twoWe woke up in the fog at 7 a.m. after a cold night.ย  We found a small building with showers, and there, miracle, there was even hot water. We attempted again to find the owner of this exotic place, but after ringing the door of the house where a light was on all night long, and use the horn of the car with no effect, we decided to go. After all, we donโ€™t have six years to go around the world. So we left a business card on the door and left.

skyridgeWe went to Walmart and got some basic stuff to cook, including ground coffee, and sped to the entrance of the Skyline Drive and Shenandoha National Park. The spectacular drive was plotted and built in the thirties, and autumn is the best season to see it. It would have been nice to stay longer, but we had to keep driving through the 100-miles, going as high as 3,680 feet.


We have to start and stop earlier every day, as pitching the camp and cooking in darkness is definitely not the simplest. What can you do, Iโ€™m new at camping, so I can only get smarter from there.

Anyhow, around 6 p.m. that day, we were able to find a campground in Lexington, Va. stuck between the highway and a gas station. The luxury of hot showers will cost us $16. Good night all.

21 Replies to “Following the Appalachian Trail”

  1. You can save cash (& water . . . ) by skipping the daily showers. A washcloth wet with water will do the trick for quite a few days. Unless you 2 are wearing a lot of synthetic clothing, you can wear the same shirt, pants and socks for an extra day or 2 as well. Re-apply the deodorant (i’m partial to Tom’s of Maine Lavender –it’s a musky lavender, not a sweet lavender) and you’ll smell like you just left the spa.

  2. Let me know if you pass on Highway 77 through Mount Airy. We have a field you can camp in for the night!


  3. I am excitied about your trip!! Deep down I wish I could be there, but I have a family so I will live thru your blogs, try to take lots of pics and when my budget lets me, I will try to donate some gas money!!

  4. If we are at home and you end up stopping around Birmingham Alabama, you can camp at our house, get a hot bath/shower, and dinner. If not, Godbless and be careful. I look forward to your journey.

  5. Saw an article online about your trip… Its something I always wanted to do but its easier said than done. ill be checking in on your posts to see where you are. I live in Arizona so itll be a while till you are on our side of the country. Good luck.

  6. Hi Nadia, Hi Nick,

    I spoke through Messenger to our (Nadia and I) common friend Christian
    He said you should contact him when you drive through Colombia

    Re-using non synthetic tee-shirt of socks for a second day (as above mentioned) is ok


  7. I live in Naples, FL and my Godson is in graduate school in Cambridge, England. We are both following your trip closely and discuss it through e-mails and Skype. Disappointed to see you’ve picked up a chick (childhood friend…) at the very beginning of the trip. This lends itself to a boring start. Ditch her ASAP and give us some meaty stories like sailors tell about their port stops!

    Good luck!

  8. I’ve travel throughout US and to almost every state. That part of the county is at the top of my list. Beautiful!!

    Wishing you continued safe journeys.

  9. Quoting Susan C…..wish I could be there too….but family and money obligations say it all!
    Anyhow…..still with you.

    Bless you…

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