Getting my ride ready

The Land Cruiser I'm planning to take around the world, parked at home, in Brooklyn
Building drawers

I spent more time this weekend to get the car ready. I can’t count the hours I spent on it anymore. But things are getting closer to completion now. I am almost finished with a drawer system in the back, and planning to be done with the electrical system by the end of next week.
Anyhow, I chose to do this trip with a Toyota Land Cruiser. There’s not many choices when it comes to choose a car for such journeys. Only two vehicles in the world can make it. The Land Cruiser, and the Land Rover Defender. The Land Rover is easy to fix, and the Land Cruiser doesn’t brake down. Both vehicles are tough, and you can find spare parts on all continents. Lot of other vehicles, including american makes are very good quality, but you simply can’t find parts in all areas. The Toyota LC is the car used by the U.N. and other NGOs around the world. The Defender is very hard to find in the U.S., and really expensive, while you can find a LC for less than ten grands.
At the end of July, I was able to get a very clean 1996 Land Cruiser with 92,000 miles for less than $7,000. I upgraded the suspensions so the truck would be able to carry all the equipment, including tools, extra battery, spare parts, cooking equipment, roof tent, water and gas cans, books and luggage, etc…

Installing extra power outlets
Installing extra power outlets

8 Replies to “Getting my ride ready”

    1. Thanks Dien, I’m glad someone commented on my blog, you are the first one! Was wondering if there was a technical problem, or if everyone thought i was crazy.
      Now I know everybody thought I’m crazy (but you).

  1. hey N– Looks like a very exciting adventure, and I plan to follow it. Q: will your home site with infographic resources continue to be hosted, or will you be pulling it offline? (I hope not! I just discovered it. Great resource!)

    Wondering if you are going to remove the NY registration plate (at least the front bumper plate) at the NY border, or wait til you exit Texas? 😉

    Bon voyage!

    1. Thanks David. The website will stay in place. I am hoping to visit some visual designers on my way around, and hopefully make some infographic related postings. Anyhow I’ll need to find a job when I come back, and the website will be helpful.

      I’ll keep the NY plates around the world actually, should make people in the Middle East more welcoming.

  2. Nick,
    This looks like a fantastic journey, dangerous as it may be, it will be the adventure of a lifetime. I am envious, and will be following you on the journey. Keep us posted. Rob

  3. Received a link to the USA Today article from my dad, and I’m riveted by your adventure. Will be following regularly and wishing you all of the luck and great experiences you can have. Kudos to you for doing this! We get to enjoy the world from the comfort of our couches while eating cheetos while you do the dirty work of actually getting out there. Thank you for letting us all be flies on the wall! 🙂 -Jamie in Seattle, WA

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