A year on the road and still going strong.

Looking for a spot along the beach
Looking for a spot along the beach in Peru nine months ago.

One year ago exactly today, I left Brooklyn to drive around the world.
Needless to say, there has been a lot of things happening along the way, and it has been the most intense year of my life.
As I was pushing forward, I met many people who provided help and support, and I want to thank them for that. Many of these folks I bumped into on the road became friends and will stay friends for the years to come.
Finally, to the people coming daily on this website to check on me or post a comment, I want to say thanks for sticking around close enough that I feel I am not alone out there.


On my way to Muscat four months ago.
On my way to Muscat four months ago.

114 Replies to “A year on the road and still going strong.”

  1. Nick,

    I have not commented to this point, but I have been following you faithfully since the beginning and sharing your adventures with my friends. I really respect all you are doing and I hope you are growing and learning more through each country you travel.

    Be careful and know we are following your travels and wish you the very best.

  2. I’ve been reading your blog since you left. I have never commented, but feel like I should congratulate you for a whole year on the road. I’m sure it must get lonely and you think no one cares, but I am a loyal reader. Thanks for allowing those of us who can’t or won’t take risks like you do to see what the rest of the world is like. I wish you luck and good weather, and good food, and many more adventures as you complete you trip around the world.

  3. Happy 1 Year Anniversary! I have followed you the whole way and enjoyed every blog. I look forward to seeing what adventures await you! I agree with the others, you have got to write a book and I want a signed copy. ; ) Be safe!

    Victoria Picard

  4. I. too, have been following you since day one. I tell everyone where you are and about your beautiful pictures. I have worried about you and have been excited for you! I can’t believe a year has gone by. I love the suggestion that Toyota use YOU and the truck in a commercial. I also can not wait to see a book of your travels (I really think the book is a given.) I also have enjoyed getting to know (?) those that comment from all over the world. Enjoy this next leg of your (our 🙂 trip! Be safe and God bless!

  5. Hi Nick,

    It has been one year ago that you started your journey ,up to this date I have been amazed at all of the pics that you have sent to the world. Just to let them know that what you are doing is possible in the eyes of mankind! I salute you for doing a job well done. I envy you because you are actually doing this and you are 3/4 there on your trip around the world. It is not exactly around the world in 80 days but I know it takes lot of guts and tenacity to accomplish what you are doing .
    I have followed your journey since day 1, so be safe nick and I know you are not stopping at Seattle , but you are always welcome if you decide. Got plenty of room and take care.
    God Bless, Ray Manalo

  6. Nick,

    Congratulations on your 1 year transworld expedition! I can’t believe it’s already been a year. That went so fast! Anyways, I hope it will be smooth riding from here on out with no major problems like you’ve encountered in Peru and Ethiopia.

    I hope to see you when you get to the Los Angeles Area. I live really close to the route you are planning to take. You are welcome to stay at my house. We have a guest room for you and your dad.

    See you!

  7. Congrats Nick! I’ve been following your blog since day one and I cannot believe it has been a year already. Can’t wait for your posts about the rest of Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. Wish I were there. Take care and be safe :-).

  8. Nick –
    Congratulations! What a year! Imagine the stories you will have to tell your grandchildren one day! Safe travels on the remainder of your trip!

  9. Hi Nick,
    I’ve also been following you since day 1. I enjoy reading your journal posts and pictures. Keep on keeping on!

  10. I read your article “A 31,000-mile drive south: from NYC to Argentina” in the Grand Rapids Press on March 28th. I’ve been traveling with you vicariously, enjoying your blogs, pictures, and praying for you.

  11. Nic,

    Congratulations on completeling 1 year! I too have been following you since before you left. Like a few of the others I had the great privilege and honor of meeting you and helping you out. I feel like this is more like a trip of 100 people or more around the world than just you. You have shed so much light on different parts of the world to so many and have a friendly an loyal following like nothing else. Good luck on the rest of the trip! Can’t wait for the next post!

    Your Friend,


  12. Nick,

    Congratulations on your transworld expedition anniversary. As everyone else said you have to write a book! I trully enjoy your posts and religiously check them, what will I do after your trip is complete?!? I must have a book with all the details!

    I know Texas is not on your route back home but you have a home in Texas my friend. I wish to meet you some day and hear the details of this great adventure.


  13. Congratulations on this significant milestone, Nick! I cannot believe it has been a year. Like many others, I have been following your tracks since you rolled out of NYC, and have not missed a post!

    I, too, encourage you to “write the book.” Like Georgia McDade, I did a year-long solo round the world tour in 2002, and wrote a book about it. I did it as much for myself as anyone else, because it was more important for me to get my memories down on paper before they started to fade. (“blog” wasn’t even a word back in 2002!) Since I had to return to the “real world” to earn some money fairly quickly, I didn’t have time to market the book like I would have liked, so I self-published. I have some definite opinions on this that I will be happy to share when and if you are ready to start writing!

    Thank you for all the joy you have shared with us, and for helping me relive my own wonderful journey, seeing it not only through your eyes, but those of all your loyal fans and followers!

    Keep on rolling! (….but not TOO fast!!)
    Suzanne A.

  14. are you kidding me? you thanking us? i thank you, and look forward every day to see what is happening with you; i will be sad when your adventure concludes; tho each day when i check in, i am glad that you are safe and found good people along your journey to help you and guide you; certainly makes you think about the people around the world, and how there are good people can be; wish i could donate to your cause, but continue to be safe and keep on doing what you are doing; you are one amazing guy ! would love to be there at your book signing in 2011 !!!

  15. Happy Travel Anniversary!!! What an amazing and wonderful year of experiences you have had and so thoughtfully given to us. Thank you for all the excitement, joy, experience and understandig you have given to me through your words and pictures! Beth, I loved your quotes and Manolo I agree completely on the continued harrasment for a book, I will help! 🙂 Even with all the trials and tribulations, what a beautiful world we live in with amazing people. Thank you for telling the story. Until next time…

  16. If you hadn’t said it had been a year, I wouldn’t have known. Bravo! I have been reading your posts before you left NY, but I hadn’t commented until now. I wanted to thank you for documenting your travels, both trials and successes. I’m not sure I would every have gotten these insights another way.

  17. Like the other readers have said, if you come through Santa Fe, New Mexico, you have a place to stay.

  18. hey world man 1 yr already? thats great. Keep up the good work and i will try and keep up with you better for the rest of the trip. You know i was in the can(jail) for a few months. Good Luck
    Joe from Bama

  19. Happy Anniversary Nick.Like rest have been reading about adventure since beginning.Really excited from start and keeps getting better and better.The differance with your travels is its live not memorax with all the bells and whistles .Thanks for sharing your Great Adventure with us.Its really like being there with. Outstanding Trip ******One that will last forever in your memories and I know mine reading about It as you traveled.

    Great Fun Good Luck Safe Journey Back.

    Until Next Time



  20. Nick – thanks for my 1 year subscription to your real time ‘travel magazine’. It’s like no other travel magazine I’ve come across that comes complete with free flowing ‘letters to the editor’. I know it’s going to end sometime in 2011 but it has been a great year of continuous travel through your pen and pics. Wished this can keep going…but all good things has an end somehow. At the meantime, I always look forward to my next issue including all the letters to the editor. A million thanks to you and all those who continue to write in…

    Dan C

  21. Wow, a whole year has gone by!! It doesn’t seem like that long!! Glad that things are going good. The grandkids and me still me log in and check on you every time they spend time with me. They have been to more places on your site then they have learned about in school. Keep safe!!

  22. Nick, thank you for being fearless! Wishing you more great adventures as you make your way home.


  23. Nick, it’s an inspiration to follow and experience all the adventures through your words. Congrats on completing one year on the road!

  24. its been fun checking out you adventure like the new blogs and pictures and your personal touch to each one. You should make a book with them 4 sure.

  25. Nick
    Have followed since the beginning. Amazing! I look forward to every post.
    Happy 1 year! Be Safe.

  26. Everyone! Thanks so much for suporting Nick! The amount of responses are tremendous! Where have all of you been the last year? The more the merrier on the blog!! Don’t be shy anymore!

    Ms. Marti~Nashville, TN

  27. Nick,

    Have you decided what you are going do with your land cruiser once the trip is complete?

    Thanks for sharing. I come visit the site often.

    Dallas Texas

  28. Right Marty!

    I haven’t looked but I think we broke a record on post with this one. On the twitter sight it says over a thousand followers but I’ve yet to see them on this site, although I don’t doubt that there are at least that many. I’m sure Nick has realized the impact he has had on so many lives. And for so many of us we have to deal with the fact that it will soon come to an end, sad. Perhaps a new site should be put up for those who want to continue this journey in a virtual manner. Something needs to be done!

    Good show Nick, keep up the good work!


  29. Been riding along since the beginning. Love the trip, love the blog. Cheers to doing what most only dream about. Travel on and travel safe.

  30. Add mine to the growing pile. Always love the pictures.

    So glad you have shared the good and the bad. Enjoy the rest of your travels – Mary

  31. Hello Nick,

    OMG!!! I can’t beleive I missed this Blog of yours……Thailand is my home country!!! I was waiting since you started your trip around the world. I was in Thailand last month :-).

    I am glad you had a great time there in Thailand, pictures are so beautiful!!!! I agree with you the street food sometimes is the best!!!

    Also, THANKS for not posting the night light in Phuket. It’s too crazy there!!

    Anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and please say “Hi” to Thai people for me and of course EAT A LOT of Thai food for me too 🙂


  32. All right folks,

    After going through all the blogs, again, I found a blog with 93 comments in June, the next highest was in January with 70. So just a few more comments and we break the record. I’ve yet to go through all the names but probably will, do to the fact I am a disabled Vet. and have the time. I also looked at the pictures of Nick prior to the trip and the latest, what a difference! Tell me the man hasn’t changed! Might I add, for the better.


  33. Monolo, OMG I did the same thing yesterday. I went back to the very first blog before Nick left NY and there are lots of names that don’t show up currently. What in the world are we going to do without the Trans World Exp. when Nick is done! 🙁 Guess we could start a gossip blog! LOL for all us ole folks!!


  34. Well Manolo, I like the fact of breaking records and I really like this blog and all the people who have commented and follwed along as I have. So, here is one more! Maybe we can get up to 100 before Nic blogs again! 😀

    BTW…Thanks for your service!

  35. Hi Nick,

    I was thinking about your start date about a week ago. It’s already a year and you have travelled so many places, met many people, endured many troubles. I am sure this must have made you a tough individual.

    Wishing you the best with rest of your journey. Stay safe. Will look forward to your posts.


  36. Dear Mr. Rapp,

    Congrats on your trip. Me and my classmates have been following you for a while now and I was really hoping you could come to Phoenix Middle School to see us. Haha i wasn’t even supposed to write this, But still, coyuld you come??

    From, Mitchell
    Pheonix Middle School, Coulumbus, Ohio

  37. hey nicolas!!!! congratulations on your expedition. its because of people like u that we have big dreamers and strivers. i was actually hoping u would come thru columbus ohio. that way u could visit Phoenix Middle School in worthington. we have been keeping up with your posts and would love 2 have u visit on your way 2 brooklyn. if u can please consider the oppurtunity thank u

  38. go rapp go you can do it your gonna make it and they can’t take it. Also me and my friends at my school love your website and have been following you for a while now and i was wondering if you could make a stop in ohio possibly a sschool called i dunno Phoenix in worthington OH love your work bye!

  39. Oh, I couldn’t stand it! Had to make the comment # go up to 100! This whole experience has been such fun for me. “Traveling” with Nick, seeing the world. Also, this is the first and only ‘blog’ I’ve stepped into to comment on. How will I get through the workday in front of this ole computer when Nick finishes his travels?

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