A year on the road and still going strong.

Looking for a spot along the beach
Looking for a spot along the beach in Peru nine months ago.

One year ago exactly today, I left Brooklyn to drive around the world.
Needless to say, there has been a lot of things happening along the way, and it has been the most intense year of my life.
As I was pushing forward, I met many people who provided help and support, and I want to thank them for that. Many of these folks I bumped into on the road became friends and will stay friends for the years to come.
Finally, to the people coming daily on this website to check on me or post a comment, I want to say thanks for sticking around close enough that I feel I am not alone out there.


On my way to Muscat four months ago.
On my way to Muscat four months ago.

114 Replies to “A year on the road and still going strong.”

  1. Yee Ha Everyone!! WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT!!! Come on, Nick has forged on and so can we!! Happy to see everyone is not sittin back on this one!

    Forge on Followers of Nick

  2. First time blogger, long time follower! This is such a momentous occassion that I just have to wish you, Nick a much deserved congratulations. Truly a great and life changing accomplishment. Well done. I have immensely enjoyed “traveling” with you. So much to see and so much to learn about this Earth. And you are doing it all for us. Thank you for sharing..

    Stay Safe and God Speed!

  3. I have followed this expedition since before you left. You are now in the part of the world that I travel to on business. Southern Thailand is one of my favorite places. Vietnam is great. Cambodia, sort of sad….You will be amazed at the roads in China…almost like the US, but less tow trucks (abandoned cars on the interstates). Be safe and keep it up.

  4. It’s been many, many, many…years since middle school but I would love for you to come through Columbus, OH. But am looking at the route you now show checking out the nearest city. Looking forward to your next blog. Take care!

  5. This is my first time commenting, but I just wanted to tell you I’ve been a dedicated follower of your journey since before you left! Thank you for sharing this experience with everyone… just amazing!


  6. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. This is my first comment, but I’ve followed you daily since you left NY. Stay safe and enjoy the journey.

  7. YEAHHHHHHHHHH WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOO!!! amazing man, keep the pace!! (first comment hehehehehe, from Venezuela)

  8. You’ve definitely taken the road less traveled and my thanks for taking me on that journey with you. My 2 favorite postings: When you acted like a news truck to get through the barricades in South America and the bumper car Mad Max driving in Bangladesh. Just some incredible stories. Oh and I also love all the pictures, it really gives a sense of what you’re seeing first hand. Thanks again Nick. Let me know if you want to grab a beer when you come through Cali. My treat.

    Newport Beach, CA

  9. Hey Nick Congrats,

    Ive also been following you since the start, and am in albany

    traveling like that is something that I always wanted to do.
    Thanks for the full report and great pictures


  10. Can’t believe it’s been a year already! I truly enjoy following your trip and have my grandchildren following you. I think they already have a broader sense of the world for it.

  11. Happy one year anniversay Nick!

    It has been really nice to read your travel stories. You’ve been a really good inspiration to me and I hope one day I can do what you are doing.

    Keep enjoying your journey!


  12. Congratulations Nicholas!!

    And many thanks for taking us along with you on your adventures, it’s been great.

    Safe travels!!


  13. It’s amazing that a year has passed by already! I remember getting really excited to see you start your trip, and now you are almost finished! What I have be able to read has been truly enjoyable, following your journey, and I hope that I can catch up and read each entry soon! (ever think about a book?!)

    Best of luck on the remainder of your trip, and that Thai food looked really yummy! xx.

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