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In the summer of 2009, Nicolas Rapp decided to take a break from his Art Director job at The Associated Press to attempt a one-year overland travel around the world in a 1996 Toyota Land Cruiser. He was back in New York in February 2011 after traveling 15 months and 37,000 miles.

Visited countries


May 2024



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  • Still alive

    Posted on February 24th, 2010 Sergio No comments
    Stuck in the mud, spending the night there

    Stuck in the mud, spending the night there

    Going up to Cuzco has been hard. We are in Abancay right now. We have been stuck in mud and camping there for a day, gone through landslides, brake losses and really down with altitude sickness. But we are still alive. We should be in Cuzco tomorrow, if everything goes well. Please make a post leting people know we are still alive. Love, Nick.

10 Responses to “Still alive”

  1. Boy wish you could just wench you self’s out of this one big mud puddle. Sorry to hear

  2. Hope you are all feeling well and the roads get better. Glad it’s the truck buried in the mud and none of you!! 🙂 safe travels!!

  3. Marti-Nashville, TN

    Holy crap! So sorry to hear that you guys ran amuck! Geez how in the world do get the lil guy out of there? Bet all of you are ready for a good bathe. Altitude sickness! Hopefully, in the next few you guys can get some rest in a little hotel. So much for 4-wheeln, at least no water in the motor! I guess on the bright side (if there is one) it isn’t 100 degrees!

    Thanx for keeping us updated, all of us are concerned for all of you!:)
    Marti-Nashville, TN

  4. WOW, I know you’ll survive and get out of that sticky situation. That’s the scenario where you need a Pull-Pal Winch Anchor to dig into the ground and winch yourself out. I hope you received my previous email about getting in touch with Jacques Willig who owns Hannibal Safari Equipment in Cape Town South Africa (011-27-21-534-9050) or to get some extra help or insight for Africa. Best of Luck for the rest of South America, You’re doing well! Best Regards, Chip Baldwin III

  5. I’ll bet AAA doesn’t send a tow truck to Abancay.

  6. holy crap! good luck! 🙂

  7. Hang in there. We will be waiting in La Paz for you. Maybe you could even help paint our Cruiser? – images of the restauration –

    If you need contacts here in La Paz, let me know [place to camp, mechanics, parts….]

    Adventurous greetings
    Coen and Karin-Marijke

  8. Harvey (Naples,FL)

    “Mama said there’d be days like this… There’d be days like this Mama said!”

    “When the going gets tough… the tough get going”

    Awaiting the successful conclusion of this chapter and a toasting round of brew in celebration of the next!

  9. Hope you made it to Cuzco safely. Sorry to see that you are having difficulty. Hope to talk to you Sunday. We’ll give you a call

  10. That’s is one problem with a 4×4.

    It gets stuck where you need a CAT to pull you out. (Sigh).

    Nothing either waiting for the dry season or a week of digging won’t fix, unfortunately.