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In the summer of 2009, Nicolas Rapp decided to take a break from his Art Director job at The Associated Press to attempt a one-year overland travel around the world in a 1996 Toyota Land Cruiser. He was back in New York in February 2011 after traveling 15 months and 37,000 miles.

Visited countries


May 2024



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  • Following the coast

    Posted on November 21st, 2009 Nicolas No comments
    Louisiana swamps

    Louisiana swamps

    At 8 a.m. after a night in the luxury of the Super 8, we were back on the road again, continuing an expedition that should really be called a race. I can’t wait to pass the border, to be able to relax a little bit more. Eventually, I hope to drive only 3 or 4 hours a day, and spend the rest of the time exploring the surrounding, meet people, read and take time to live.
    Shortly after noon, we arrived at the West Brook High School, in Beaumont, Texas. We were here to meet with students who chose to learn French. The High school is the largest of Beaumont, a city of 100,000. We arrived just in time for lunch, and shared a spicy (not so spicy according to our hosts) gumbo, along with students and teachers of the school. After that, I met with two large groups of students, and answered some questions about the expedition.
    What I really like is to insist on the fact that anyone can do what I chose to do. This is one of the goals of the trip, to show that you can save up some money, and go in an amazing adventure. It doesn’t need to be all round the world, but even 6 months around Mexico can be incredible by itself.
    We were behind the wheel after a couple of hours, and set cap on Houston, where Gwenaelle – an old friend from France – and Max, her fiancé, were waiting for us. We decided to stay there few days, since we had to work on the vehicle, and reorganize the load in the back.
    In the morning, from the hotel, I posted a message asking for mechanical assistance in the Houston area on the IH8MUD forum. When I checked the answers in the evening, I saw that few people volunteered for help, and after a phone call, we planned to meet up with local Land Cruiser experts on Saturday.
    We went for a Thai diner with our friends, and for drinks in Blancos, to hear some Texas country music, and watch local dancers. That was great, and I recommend the place to anyone passing by the city.
    Exhausted, we enjoyed again a night in a real bed.

    At 8 a.m. after a night in the luxury of the Super 8, we were back on the road again, continuing an expedition that should really be called a race. I can’t wait to pass the border, to be able to relax a little bit more. Eventually, I hope to drive only 3 or 4 hours a day, and spend the rest of the time exploring the surrounding, meet people, read and take time to live.

    Shortly after noon, we arrived at the West Brook High School, in Beaumont, Texas. We were here to meet with students who chose to learn French. The High school is the largest of Beaumont, a city of 100,000. We arrived just in time for lunch, and shared a spicy (not so spicy according to our hosts) gumbo, along with students and teachers of the school. After that, I met with two large groups of students, and answered some questions about the expedition.

    Answering high school students questions

    Answering high school students questions

    What I really like is to insist on the fact that anyone can do what I chose to do. This is one of the goals of the trip, to show that you can save up some money, and go in an amazing adventure.

    Kimberly, Mitchell, Andre, Adrienne and Miss Jones

    Kimberly, Mitchell, Andre, Adrienne and Miss Bedford

    It doesn’t need to be all round the world, but even 6 months around Mexico can be incredible by itself.

    cakeAfter a couple of hours, we were back behind the wheel, and set cap on Houston, where Gwenaelle – an old friend from France – and Max, her fiancé, were waiting for us. We decided to stay there few days, since we had to work on the vehicle, and reorganize the load in the back.

    In the morning, from the hotel, I posted a message asking for mechanical assistance in the Houston area on the IH8MUD forum. When I checked the answers in the evening, I saw that few people volunteered for help, and after a phone call, we planned to meet up with local Land Cruiser experts on Saturday.

    At Blanco's, checking out Texas music

    At Blanco's, checking out Texas music

    dinerWe went for a Thai diner with our friends, and for drinks in Blancos, to hear some Texas country music, and watch local dancers. That was great, and I recommend the place to anyone passing by the city.

    Exhausted, we enjoyed a night in a real bed, again. In the next few days, we plan on visiting San Antonio, and then go south and cross the Mexican border for more adventures.

    Welcome signs at the school

    Welcome signs at the school

13 Responses to “Following the coast”

  1. Bonjour Monsieur Nicolas Rapp,
    Il était super que vous êtes venu à mon lycée! Merci pour tout! Je serai heureux de suivre où vous êtes en voyage! Je m’ai rappelé que vous avez dit j’ai parlé bien français!

    Au Revoir et BONNE CHANCE!

  2. Good and awesome to see ya reach out to the youth. Great Picture of you two with the Blanco’s band in back ground. O ya nice cake 4 sure.

  3. Bonjour Mademoiselle Nadia,
    Je vous remercie pour m’écouter quand vous étiez à mon lycée! J’était heureux de vous recontrer parce que vous êtes une française et vous êtes très gentille! Je voudrais vous souhaiter la bonne chance et un super voyage!

    Au Revoir!

  4. Am following every post! What a fun adventure! I live north of Houston in Centerville, Tx off of I 45. Had you come this way you would have been welcome in our home. Being a retired chef, you would have experienced some true Southern cooking 🙂 If you need any “outdoor cooking” recipes along the way, just let me know!

    Blessings for a safe trip!!


  5. Hey guys!

    I’m tracking all the posts on this blog and even downloaded the Twitter app for my iPhone 🙂 Just wanna check in and wish you a fun and safe trip!

    Wanted to ask about the maximum speed you’ve chosen. Is no more than 50mph really such money saver? One more q, what’s the weight of the customized and packed LC?

    -Mike (Prague, Czech Republic)

  6. You may never know what an inspiration you were to a student or students in Beaumont. Seeing someone following a dream —- and all the very real hard work that entails — can be so inspiring to a young person. What an excellent stop along your journey!!

  7. hey travel boy, so you made TX ,great, i guess my french remarks where kinda bold.I see you have a friend from France. I ain’t got anything agains the french as a people just their poltics.( Government is spikeless). when you get to San Antonio say hi to my friend Joe(I know same name as me,lot of Joes in my family) Try Barn Door Restaurant when you are in San Antonio at N. New Braunfels (210) 824-0116 tell them Joe from Alabama sent you. They will give you a great deal $$$.later future mex boy. becareful . Joe

  8. Nice pic of the 2 of you. It’s nice to see that you inspire young people. Bon week-end et au prochain post

  9. Just wanted to tell you that I have been following your blog since I read about it on AOL. I think what you are doing is awesome, it’s something I don’t think I could ever do. My family and I wish you the best of luck on your adventure. I do hope that these updates can continue, we love reading them!

  10. It is amazing how the Internet and social media can connect us. Meeting up with someone new in a new town is as easy as sending a message in email, or Facebook or Twitter, and waiting for replies.

    Glad you were able to talk to the students. They are at the age where they feel they are invincible, but still full of self-doubt about themselves and what they want for themselves.

  11. Hi Nick, it’s Mari again. I am following your every post. You are making MY dreams become a reality. Anyhow, I have a suggestion/offer to make. My husband is in the auto mechanic business here in New Jersey. He has a mechanics repair shop and an auto body shop. This has been his life since he was 18 years old. If you need any help or have any questions, shoot them by me at my email address (that I included in this post) and I will get them answered for you.

    I have run by him the “little” problems you’ve been having and he’s concerned about the car and any future problems it may have. We are wondering why you didn’t get a sponsor to buy a more updated vehicle. Hey, Christopher Columbus looked and looked AND looked until the King and Queen of Spain financed his trip ( ha ha). Anyhow, seriously please if you need an immediate answer to your car troubles, shoot me an email. I can provide you with my phone number as well once you send me the email so that way a quick call can get many of your questions answered right away instead of having to log into a forum. Please do not hesitate.


  12. Hi Nick, love your blog. Safe travelling, guys!

  13. Hi Nick, love your blog. Safe travelling, guys! Nick: did you say you had a girlfriend??? just wondering………..