After Matt treated us for diner in a Biloxi casino, we slept in the tent in front of his house. The night was cold again, and Nadia now has a cold. We woke up around 6 a.m., and I went with our host to a part store to get brake pads. I forgot to mention earlier that in addition to our brake needs, the engine light came up as well, as we were driving through Alabama. I had a local mechanic plug his computer in the truck, and it turned out to be a problem with the EGR valve. Annoying, but not a big deal. That means that the gasoline that doesn’t burn in the engine end up in the exhaust pipe instead of being recycled, possibly resulting in a slightly higher gas consumption. I plan of taking care of this problem in Houston.
Back to our brakes. After taking the old pads out, I figured those were still good, and don’t need replacement yet. The noise I hear coming from the back is probably resulting from the parking brakes dragging a bit at slow speed. I guess one more thing to do in Houston. But i felt better about having no major problems.
After saying good-bye to Matt and his mom, we were back on the road, in direction of New Orleans. Two hours later, we were there, and abandoned the car, my new house, in a public parking.

We went through the French Quarter and walked the waterfront. Back in the French Quarter, we had a late lunch of meat pies and shrimps. After that, we went for beers and live music, just so we could claim we took advantage of the city.
The city was of course very nice, and people are really laid back compared to the America I know, in New York.At sunset, we were back on the road, as we decided to try to sleep in Baton Rouge, due to our tight schedule. The day after, at noon, we are due to a Beaumont in Texas, to meet some high school students following the journey.
A night in the city, I’m sure, would have been memorable. But I also have to think about money, and can’t spend so much money so early in the trip.

Between the two cities, in the middle of the Cajun countryside, we went out of the highway and were attracted by a small dive bar at a gas station. There, we met Jeremy, a nice guy who invited us to stay at his house, thinking his wife would be excited to see us. Apparently, the alcohol consumption distorted his judgment, as it turned out she was not thrilled by the two bums leaving in their car her husband met in a bar.
So back on the road again.
In Baton Rouge, exhausted, we decided to spend the night in a Motel 6, since I had enough points on a reward card I have to redeem a free stay. In the room, we warmed up some soup and I had one of the can I packed the car with before the departure.

Just saw you blog posted over at Expeditionportal.com
Check the Control disc that is inline on the vacuum line to the EGR first but it is probably EGR clogged. Not an uncommon issue with Toyota. Hit Wally world get some carb cleaner, cheap riffle cleaning kit and some stiff wire like bailing wire to break it up. Pull the EGR and clean out the ports.
Here is link with how to test the EGR if you dont have a factory manual.
This is for a Supra but should be the same test procedure and same diagnostics steps (other then the OBDII on your truck). The FI and emissions controls are pretty close on the Normally aspirated Supra. Its all Bosch 😉 EGR is under emissions controls. everything is hot linked in the index’s just not highlighted.
Good luck with the trip!
your right my travel bud, france shouldn’t hav e sold LA, we should have took it from the french the spine less pigs. sorry about that i get kinda nuts when it come s to the french. Hope you said hey to my cus when your are in LA his name is Joe too. Keep up the good work. travel boy. be safe and to hell with the french
That must have been uncomfortable having Jeremy’s wife say no stay in the French Quarter. Glad you know more about them brakes now; but not to good on the that the gasoline that doesn’t burn in the engine end up in the exhaust pipe instead of being recycled. I know you ben trying to save Gas too driving 50 mph. Like that picture of the Man in Red Sweeter and Top Hat.
I have been following your journey with great excitement from Singapore … the French quarter is nice … so are the other great scenery shots when you started your journey on 15th Nov … stay safe and healthy … hope you will stop by Singapore … so that I can buy guys good dinner … wish Nadia a speedy recovery from flu! … take care pals!
Great pics! Oh Jeremy….
We are a group of 80 middle school students in Columbus, Ohio (including me, their Global Cultures teacher) who are following your trip. We are very excited for you and send you good thoughts for your safety and success! Thanks for taking the time to update your blog…you’ve got fans here at Phoenix Middle School. 🙂
Following your trip through your daily blog. Am jealous of your courage and your determination to take this opportunity. In your blog, please add more local color so we can travel vicariously with you. What did you see? What are the people like? Tell us about the terrain, the types of housing you see. Thank you so much for sharing your trip.
good morning travel man. when you get to houston you should and say hi to my aunt. There is a great place to eat there called Las Alamedas it is on Cinco Ranch Blvd , great Mexican food. This food will get you ready for Mexico. be safe
It was great having you two over, I hope you get the noise problem fixed as well as the EGR.
Nick and Nadia are both extremely nice and fun to hang out with, looking forward to getting together around LA when you get back to the US.
Hey Guys
Great to follow your adventure. Waiting for your (almost) daily blog post.
A week ago we cheered to your trip.
Had an aperitif tonight to your health guys.
Take care
uncle nick, read about the car worries you got hope it does not kill the joy of your trip keep strong wish i was i there to help
Mohammed, nice to hear from you. No worries, everything will be OK.
Helene, aperitif have been taken already.
Thanks to all of you guys for your comments!
I totally am in awe of this website!!! totally gonna need to remember to add this to my blogroll.